Hook Us With Your First Page

I've come up with a wild idea for The Writer's Life Blog. As you know, we host book excerpts and interviews for those authors who are published, but what about those writers who would just like a little exposure and/or feedback on works that just haven't found that publisher/agent yet?

Well, now you've got it.

If you would like feedback on a manuscript you are working on, send me the first manuscript page and the following information:

Tentative Title of Manuscript
Your Name
Your Email Address

First Page of Your Manuscript

Send this information in the body of an email (all attachments will be deleted) to thewriterslife(at)yahoo.com and please put "Post My First Page on Your Blog."

When your first page has been posted, it will be seen by almost 500 (and growing)of my subscribers, not to mention those that find the blog through search engines and other kind souls who have linked to us. My subscribers and the general public will be encouraged to give positive feedback on your work so that you can tell if this manuscript is going in the right direction.

Although you would think the first page isn't enough to get the real feel of your story, you'd be surprised at what it can do. It sets the hook. If you don't hook us within the first few paragraphs, why should we read more?

No names, email addresses or any other personal information except for the tentative title and genre of your book will be posted (unless you specify otherwise).

To all those that give feedback, tell us if this piece hooks you by commenting in the comment box. If you see typos, mention it. If the story doesn't pull you in by reading this first page, tell it like it is. Please, only constructive critisism, but be honest. These writers need to know how the general reading public feels about your work.

So, send me your first UNPUBLISHED manuscript page, and let the world judge YOUR next bestselling novel!

Again, the address to send your first page with all the mandatory information mentioned above is thewriterslife(at)yahoo.com. First pages will be posted as they come in. Have fun!


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Ooh, I like this idea, Dot. :) I'll be sending you something soon.

  2. Neat idea, Dorothy! Where do you come up with all these great PR ideas for authors?

  3. LOL, I love doing it. I've got two more blogs in the works now to promote authors for absolutely free. ;o)

  4. great idea~~ This idea still carrying on now??

    erm~~ are there already some 'first pages' posted here? If yes, please tell me where they are. :}

  5. pithypink also asks? where are the first pages critiques found?


  6. Hi everyone,

    Hang on to those first pages because I'm setting this up on a separate blog which I'll announce on Monday! ;o)

  7. Hi Dorothy,

    Could you please let me know when I can access any comments made about my first page.

    I submitted it over a month ago and have not been able to find it nor the comments made about it.

    Thanks Dorothy


  8. http://www.amazon.com/SharePoint-2010-Introduction-JumpStart-ebook/dp/B0067AHAHI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1321444272&sr=1-1

    SharePoint 2010 introduction book


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