My First Book Sale That Mattered by Susan Spence

My First Book Sale That Mattered
By Susan Spence
When I received the first hard copies of A Story of the West, I put a few in a bag and began peddling them. It was just lil’ ol’ me, nervous and alone, pounding the pavement. I went to a couple of stores and sold a few copies, mainly because even though I was an unknown first-time author, as a local, there was some interest.
One day I thought, what the heck, and decided to try my luck at a store in a nearby town where I bought dog food. It was a unique place because on one side you could buy livestock feed, as well as halters for horses and other animal supplies. On the other side was an upscale western boutique that carried really nice, expensive clothing and gifts.
I approached a clerk on the boutique side and asked her if they sold any books. She told me that they carried a few coffee table books, but that I should come back and talk to Carol, the owner.
I returned when Carol was there, introduced myself, told her about A Story of the West and asked if she would be interested in carrying it. Her reply was that she would have to read the book first. She then asked me to sell her a copy at cost. I willingly obliged and handed over a signed copy for only slightly more than I had paid for it.
I waited for a couple of weeks before I went back as I was terrified of hearing my first critique by a stranger. Finally, my knees knocking, I got up the courage to return and ask Carol what she thought of my creation.
I still remember walking up to her. She didn’t smile as I approached and I couldn’t read her expression. I asked what she thought of it, and she replied, “I loved it. I think it should be made into a movie.” She then bought copies to carry in her store and told me she would encourage her employees to read it so they could help promote it.
Needless to say, her words made my day. I left walking on air and with the confidence to continue pushing my novel.
Sadly the store closed shortly after that. I heard Carol decided that, with the slow economy, it was a good time to move on to other things. I hope she is doing well.
The moral of the story is, believe in your book!
Susan Spence has always been intrigued with life in the west in the 1880s. She researched historical accounts and first-person narratives as she prepared to write A Story of the West. A lifelong resident of the west, she currently lives in Montana on an old sheep shearing station with lots of furry critters and one partially furry critter. This is her first novel, and she is busily working on a sequel due out in late spring.
You can visit her website at
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