Young Adult Romance Author Barry Eva on The Kim Smith Show

When authors embark on the big bold adventure of promoting their books, there's no better place where an author can really explain what his or her books are all about than online radio talk shows, sometimes called podcasts.

Kim Smith is not only the author of the mystery novel, Avenging Angel: A Shannon Wallace Mystery, but she's also the enigmatic and highly professional talk show personality with her own podcast show at Blog Talk Radio. Kim also shares the same goal with another author by the name of Barry Eva, author of the young adult romance novel, Across the Pond. Both are on a virtual book tour the same month with Pump Up Your Book Promotion.

If you'd like to hear them talk about virtual book tours, character building, writing a book from the women's perspective, pen names, among other things, and how one person with the flu and the other recuperating from back surgery both believe that the show must go on, click on the banner below. Enjoy!

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