10 Fun Facts ABout Judge Glenda Hatchett That You Might Not Know
10 Fun Facts About Judge Glenda Hatchett
by Judge Glenda Hatchett
- Author of National Best-Selling book “Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say”
- Received a “Made in NY” award in 2005 for her contribution to New York City’s daytime television community
- Serves as a National Spokesperson for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
- Named one of the “100 Best & Brightest Women in Corporate America” by Ebony Magazine
- Best known nationally for her “creative sentencing” and revolutionary “interventions”
- Became Georgia’s first African-American chief presiding judge of a state court
- Recognized by the National Bar Association as Outstanding Jurist of the Year
- Received the Roscoe Pound Award, the highest award for outstanding work in criminal justice, from the National Council on Crime & Delinquency
- Received the Outstanding Community Service award from the Spelman College Board of Trustees
- Received the NAACP’s Thurgood Marshall award
Judge Hatchett's latest book is Dare to Take Charge: How to Live Your Life on Purpose which is available for purchase now!
I think I need to check out this book!