Life Choices: Pursuing Your Passion by Judi Moreo & Friends
Twenty-six authors share with you how they pursued their passions and made their dreams become reality.
Read an Excerpt!
“It was one of the most magical moments of my life The following Monday I went back to my day job and a co-worker walked up to me and said, “Congratulations! You are so lucky to be able to get up in front of an audience and speak like that.
Lucky? I wanted to explode. Well meaning, she saw the end result. She did not see the beginning. So many people think you are born funny or not….that you are born a great speaker or not. There is that one percent that are. I hate them too! For the rest of us, it is a process.”
“It was disheartening. Even as I raised this issue with our senior leadership, no one was prepared to listen. I felt that remaining with this company was compromising my integrity. Yes, I could continue to work there but was that simply selling my soul for money???”
“The first and greatest hurdle was to allow myself to say, “I am a writer.” It took some courage. Who was I to write a book? People study or write articles for years before they dare. They enter hundreds of contests for short stories and enroll in workshops and writers groups. I skipped all that. I didn’t have time. But I did keep in mind what those brilliant Greeks said 2500 years ago,
Be what you wish to seem.”
“This is madness,” I muttered into my helmet. I raced down a dirt road, going 90 plus miles per hours, and at 53 years of age, found myself competing with people 30 years younger. The bike and I roared through the desert, a rooster tail of dust in our wake. 40 miles previously, I took a trip over the handlebars as the front wheel dug into some silt at 50 miles per hour and catapulted me to the ground. Now I was riding with a broken collarbone.
“He asked if I could sing and if I knew Marilyn’s songs. I said yes to both and started to list which of her songs I knew. He asked me to sing, “I Wanna Be Loved By You,” so I did. By now, I wasn’t even nervous. I was comfortable singing a capella. I had never really sang any other way. I had never even sang outside of the shower.”
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