Interview with Tony Cane-Honeysett, author of FEM DOM

Tony Cane-Honeysett is an Emmy Award winning writer and filmmaker. His documentary work includes The Royal Academy and Mondo Bondo. A graduate of Ealing College of Art & Design in England, Tony was the recipient of the Individual Artist Fellowship awarded by The Tennessee Arts Commission in 2006. He has worked professionally as a copywriter in advertising for over 20 years in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Nashville and Minneapolis. Tony was born in London, England.

His latest book is the fiction erotica, Fem Dom.

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Pick up your copy of Tony Cane-Honeysett’s Fem Dom at Amazon:

Q: Welcome to The Writer's Life!  Now that your book has been published, we’d love to find out more about the process.  Can we begin by having you take us at the beginning?  Where did you come up with the idea to write your book?

I made a documentary in 2008 about bondage called Mondo Bondo. It explored the psychological aspects of why people enjoy getting tied up and punished for sexual pleasure. I interviewed many people who enjoy this lifestyle including several dominatrices who all told me that their clients were very upscale types – lawyers, CEOs, professors, business execs – all seemingly normal people on the outside but kinky on the inside. My novel, Fem Dom, tells the story of a devoted wife who suspects her husband is secretly seeing a dominatrix and how she goes about dealing with it - with bizarre consequences. 

Q: How hard was it to write a book like this and do you have any tips that you could pass on which would make the journey easier for other writers?

I learned so much during the making of Mondo Bondo that it became a wonderful research tool for Fem Dom. I didn’t have to imagine what went on between a dominatrix and her client, or what these clients were experiencing psychologically as all the answers were given to me first hand. As a writer, my journey was made easier as I was coming from a place of truth. They say write what you know.

Q: Who is your publisher and how did you find them or did you self-publish?

Both. My publisher is Chardonnay Press ( We are
a small imprint in Minneapolis made up of a group of writers, so we formed ourselves and are a self-contained publishing unit. Each writer within the company gets to decide when they want to publish their book but as a collective we provide valuable support to each other.

Q: Is there anything that surprised you about getting your first book published?

Yes, how much work was involved after the book was written – approving cover design, shooting the artwork, filming a book trailer, selecting layouts, building the website and all the social media marketing that’s necessary. It’s all fun but it’s exhausting!

Q: Can you describe the feeling when you saw your published book for the first time?

It was a feeling of satisfied relief and accomplishment. The book was three years in the making and to hold the final product in my hands gave me a feeling of Wow, I finally did it.

Q: What other books (if any) are you working on and when will they be published?

My second novel, Regression is almost finished. It’s a dark thriller. I’m aiming for an early 2013 release. I want it out there so I can start on my third book which I’m also very excited about.

Q: Fun question: How does your book contribute to making this world a better place?

I hope it adds some entertainment and color by provoking the reader to think about certain things that perhaps had never crossed their mind before.

Q: Finally, what message (if any) are you trying to get across with your book?

Don’t judge a book by its cover – pun intended. Life is never simple. We are complex creatures.
Q: Thank you again for this interview!  Do you have any final words?

So many people say they want to write a book. Stop talking about it, stop putting it off and start on it today, you might surprise yourself.

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