📚 A Bookish Chat with 'Blood & Water' Linda Armstrong-Miller | Author Interview | #AuthorInterview #BlogTour #Interview


Today we welcome Linda Armstrong-Miller to The Writer's Life e-Magazine! Linda is the author of the Christian Thriller, Blood & Water. This interview is part of her Blood & Water Blog Tour by Pump Up Your Book. Enjoy!

Linda Armstrong-Miller has worked in the medical field for over twenty years. In that time she has worked as a counselor, registered nurse in the emergency room, ICU, Recovery Room, and she has worked with children placed in psychiatric hospitals. She understands when a family is in crisis and she has been with them during their time of distress, depression, anxiety and difficulty. She believes in God and uses her belief as well as her experience when writing. Blood and Water is her second book published. Touched is her first book. Currently she is working on a young adult trilogy.

Website: http://www.lindaarmstrongmillerauthor.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindaam1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100039732613292


Welcome to The Writer's Life! I'd like to begin by asking you why do you love writing Christian Thrillers?

I like writing to bring glory to the Lord. When I write, I hope I can help people see an answer to a problem they may not have thought about. I like to write about family and hopefully how God would like to see them eventually come together.

How did you come up with the idea to write your book, Blood & Water?

I worked in the emergency room and the ICU and there are a lot of families conflicts that I observed in those areas. Sometimes to deal with what I see I just start writing. There isn’t always a story in it. If I get enough of a story, I take a step back and see if I can do more with it.  In this case Blood and Water 

Can you tell us a little about your main characters?

The characters are random. They aren’t anyone I have ever met but I needed them to meet my need. Most of my characters aren’t planned. They drop in as needed. Some may stay others you may never hear from again. Others I make you fall for. Like in Blood and Water you meet Samuel, the president; he’s important but you never see him again.

What other books are you working on and when will they be published?

Touched is my first book. It’s an ebook on Amazon. I plan to make it available in print later this year. Currently I am working on a trilogy. It will be YA Christian thriller.

Finally, is there a message that you are trying to get across with your book or is it for pure reading enjoyment?

It’s for enjoyment but it’s also to remind people to turn to the Lord. He has the answers.




 Lisa Rivers is a genius with a photographic memory. She is the youngest, highest paid computer designer for the Department of Defense. Her program promises no more POWs and can be used domestically. No more missing children. So, how is it that Lisa is kidnapped? How was her identity discovered? Is she still alive and if so, can she be found before it is too late?

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The Writer’s Life

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