📚 A Bookish Chat with 'The Flying Barons of Negriponte' James Calbraith | Author Interview | #AuthorInterview #BlogTour #Interview



Today we welcome James Calbraith to The Writer's Life e-Magazine! James is the author of the new historical fantasy, The Flying Barons of Negriponte. This interview is part of his Blog Tour by Pump Up Your Book. Enjoy!

James Calbraith is a Poland-born Scottish writer of history-adjacent novels, coffee drinker, Steely Dan fan and avid traveller.

Growing up in communist Poland on a diet of powdered milk, “Lord of the Rings” and soviet science-fiction, he had his first story published at the ripe age of eight. After years of bouncing around Polish universities, he moved to London in 2007 and started writing in English. Now lives in Edinburgh, hoping for an independent Scotland.

His debut historical fantasy novel, “The Shadow of Black Wings“, has reached Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finals in 2012. “The Year of the Dragon” saga sold over 30,000 copies worldwide.

His new historical fiction saga, “The Song of Ash” has been on top of Amazon’s Bestseller lists in UK for months. 

Connect with James:

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On writing:

Where is your book set and have you ever been there?

It's set in Greece, the island of Euboea near Athens - and yes, I traveled there last summer for research, it's a beautiful, mysterious place. 

Do you have another profession besides writing? 

I recently started working for Edinburgh Bus Tours! Not the job I studied for - that was History - or have most experience - writing databases - but it's the most fun of all.

How long have you been writing? 

I was writing stories since high school, and started writing full time novels in 2008

What is your next project? 

The sequel to the Flying Barons - The Sky Pirates of Morea

How are you similar to your main character?

I guess - I love freedom, and pursuit of knowledge. Ikaria has my taste in food - and my fondness for the cool winds of the Mediterranean

In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like? 

I self-publish - and by now, I have everything set up so that the time from finishing manuscript to release is only a few weeks.

What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept? 

I wanted to put even more explanation of alchemical technology - I have full schemes and blueprints in my notes! - but I didn't want the novel to turn into a ship-building manual


On rituals:

Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack? 

Breadsticks - grissini or pretzel sticks. I can devour an infinite amount of them in one sitting.

Where do you write?

In my flat in Edinburgh, or in the motorhome while travelling

Do you write every day?

I certainly try to!

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?

No - I embraced technology early on, as soon as I got a computer with a wordprocessor - an Amiga 600 back in the 90s - I never looked back. I only use paper to draw maps.

Fun stuff:

Favorite travel spot? 


Favorite dessert?  


Any hobbies?

Video games, to my doom

What song is currently playing on a loop in your head? 

Kate Bush - Pull Out The Pin

What is something that made you laugh recently? 

Rewatching Friendship is Witchcraft on YouTube. If you know, you know.

What is your go-to breakfast item? 

Scrambled eggs with salmon

What is the oldest item of clothing you own?

A green uniqlo heattech undershirt. I don't keep clothes for long.

What advice would you give to a first time writer?

Get a routine and stick to it. Doesn't matter if you only write 500 words a day, as long as you do it every day.


Title: The Flying Barons of Negriponte (The Aether Empire Book 1)

Author: James Calbraith

Publication Date: September 20, 2023

Pages: 134

Genre: Historical Fantasy/Candlepunk

They killed her father. They took her ship. But nothing will stop Ikaria's vengeance.

Forty years since Constantinople fell to the Venetian flying citadels, high-altitude Aether racing is the favoured pastime of bored, wealthy Latin nobles. Ikaria, proud daughter of a legendary Aether engineer and one of the best racing pilots in the Aegean, is determined to uncover the truth behind her father's mysterious disappearance at the end of the last Grande Regatta of Negriponte.

Driven by the thirst of vengeance and pursuit of engineering excellence in equal measures, Ikaria vows to win the next Regatta herself - and to find out what really happened to her father. But there's a catch: a new Imperial edict bars her, and anyone not of noble blood, from taking part in Aether races. To her rescue comes Sire Mikhael of Chiarenza - an enigmatic handsome young Greek turncoat in the service of new Latin masters. His motivations unclear, the source of his funds and supplies a secret, Ikaria nonetheless agrees to accept his help: together, they set out to challenge the supremacy of the six Hexarchs, the infamous Flying Barons of Negriponte.

Pick up your copy of The Flying Barons of Negriponte at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJKXXQB1 .

The Writer’s Life

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