20 Questions with 'Blazing Upheaval' Karen Charles


Today's guest is Karen Charles, author of the thriller, Blazing Upheaval. Karen Charles transforms real-life narratives into gripping fiction thrillers. Her novels intricately weave the threads of truth into a tapestry of suspense, intrigue, and riveting storytelling. An educator by profession, she is renowned for her thriller “Fateful Connections,” which unfolds against the backdrop of 9/11. “Blazing Upheaval” promises to deliver another chilling, heart-pounding experience. Karen and her husband reside on the serene shores of a beautiful bay in Washington, where she draws inspiration for her compelling narratives. Explore her insights and musings on the writer’s life through her blogs on “My Life As A Writer” at www.weaveofsuspense.com.

Website & Social Media:

Website ➜ http://weaveofsuspense.com 

Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/karenra24229683 

Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/karen.rabe.7/

20 Questions with Sharon House

  1. Are you a morning writer or a night writer? 

I usually write during the day so I can spend evenings with my husband.

  1. Do you outline or are you a pantster?

I outline each chapter and then it develops from there, often with changes.

  1. Which comes first – plot or character?

Since my thrillers develop from a true story, the character comes first, and his experience. Then I intricately weave the threads of their story into a tapestry of suspense and intrigue.

  1. Noise or quiet when working on your manuscript?

It is usually quiet when I’m writing. Sometimes sports will be on in the background which I can easily tune out.

  1. Favorite TV show?

The Amazing Race

  1. Favorite type of music?

I grew up playing classical music on the piano but I enjoy most types of music.

  1. Favorite craft besides writing?

My favorite craft is growing flower gardens and orchids.

  1. Do you play a musical instrument?

I have played the piano since sixth grade and studied at the Royal Conservatory of Toronto.

  1. Single or married?

I am married.

  1. Children or no?

I have six children.

  1. Pets?


  1. Favorite place to write?

My favorite place to write is a comfortable couch by the window where I have good lighting. Next to me will be my phone, pens, notebook, and laptop. I usually write in the winter so I cozy up in a blanket with coffee and snacks.

  1. Favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant is a Mexican one close by.

  1. Do you work outside the home?

I have an Airbnb on Birch Bay in Blaine, Washington that is open year-round.

  1. What was the name of the last movie you saw?

The last movie I saw was Brush With Fate.

  1. Favorite outdoor activity?

My favorite outdoor activity is hiking, whether it be at the mountains or beaches.

  1. Pet peeve?

My pet peeve is having to change my password, again!

  1. Your goal in life?

My goal in life is to “live in the sunshine” in every area of my life.

  1. Your most exciting moment?

My most exciting moment was when I got to visit all my dad’s family in Norway.

  1. The love of your life?

The love of my life is my husband, Dennis, my partner, my best friend, and my true love.

~ Book Description ~

In the heart of the tumultuous Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, a dedicated teacher finds herself thrust into a hazardous situation. Struggling to navigate the chaos and reach safety on the freeway, she faces dangerous obstacles that jeopardize her life. An unexpected rescue during a brutal attack plunges her, her family, and two other families into a chilling series of enigmatic events and escalating violence.

As the city grapples with unrest, they are entangled in a web of mysteries swiftly building in intensity. In the turmoil, their bonds of family, loyalty, and love are put to the ultimate test. The tension mounts relentlessly until an unforeseen revelation, coinciding with the cataclysmic Northridge earthquake, irrevocably changes their lives forever.

This gripping true-story thriller delivers suspenseful twists and heart-pounding moments, weaving a narrative of family resilience, solidarity, and enduring love in the face of daunting circumstances. It is a tale that illuminates the strength found within the human spirit when confronted with extraordinary challenges.

Blazing Upheaval is available at Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BMM6BXLG

The Writer’s Life

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